Harsh Vakharia

Laravel 5 with dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx


Setup Laravel 5 with dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker orchestration tool, docker-compose.

This post presumes that docker & docker-compose are already installed on your system.

1. Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/harshjv/docker-laravel.git

2. Run services

docker-compose up

3. Download Composer

docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O https://getcomposer.org/installer
docker-compose run --rm phpnginx php installer

4. Install Laravel 5 using Composer

docker-compose run --rm phpnginx php composer.phar create-project laravel/laravel src --prefer-dist

5. Permissions

Laravel 5 requires vendor and storage and directories within them to have write permission by web server.

chmod -R 777 vendor storage

If you are running Docker using boot2docker, check this post to configure NFS with boot2docker and OS X in order to fix write permissions.

6. Hooray

Visit http://localhost to view the project.

Got any questions or comments? Drop me a message on Twitter @harshjv or comment below.